Fair Warning: This is gonna look like Hot Garbage until I can actually get this going. Spamton is a silly little man.
Sorry if you clicked this website actually expecting there to be something, and maybe one day I'll upload high quality pictures of all the Club Penguin books I own, like I initially wanted to, but the fact I haven't so much as Thought about this place in a year says it all. I have this place to thank for getting me into Toontown, and thus AWAY from my former friend, and I have MASSIVE respect to those that cherish this beautiful personal places of love! But goodness I am. Quite tired. Not updating this place anytime soon.
Progress Report: Started enjoying four whole new things since last time. Kissing two whole fictional characters. One day I may pretty this up for fun but that's something for a Spam who has both Time and Energy. Things I don't have
Last Updated: 10/25/24